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Bibliographische Eintrag Lünenborg, M., & Raetzsch, C. (2018). From public sphere to performative publics: Developing media practice as an analytic model. In: S. Foellmer, M. Lünenborg, & C. Raetzsch (Eds.), Media practices, social movements, and performativity: Transdisciplinary approaches (pp. 13–35). Abingdon: Routledge.

Lünenborg, M., & Raetzsch, C. (2018). From public sphere to performative publics: Developing media practice as an analytic model. In: S. Foellmer, M. Lünenborg, & C. Raetzsch (Eds.), Media practices, social movements, and performativity: Transdisciplinary approaches (pp. 13–35). Abingdon: Routledge.

Affective Publics
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Veröffentlicht4. November 2022